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Weborama Certified ✔

Certification for advanced HTML5 Rich Media developers

Weborama Certified

Weborama Certified is a certification for advanced developers and can only be obtained by passing the Webo Certified exam. With this, the developers are tested in practice on the knowledge of our HTML5 Rich Media templates.


With such a certificate, developers show that they are advanced, know our templates like the palm of their hand, want and can get the most out of them and know everything about the interactive possibilities. The certificate is valid for 2 years, after which the exam has to be taken again. In this way, the developers remain continuously up to date. In addition, the creative agencies with these certified developer(s) are featured on the Weboshowcase and below.

Advertisers and/or media agencies therefore know which creative agencies have skilled developers who can get the most out of Rich Media, work at a high level and are always ready to process changes in a timely manner.

I want this too

Are you an advanced developer, do you already work with us and do you want to challenge yourself and become Webo Certified? Click on the button below for more information or to download the exam.


Creative agencies with certified developers:

Click on the logo to see the work of that agency