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Even voorstellen: Luis Hysa

Posted on April 30, 2019

Ons Support team heeft een nieuwe collega: Luis. We stellen hem graag aan jullie voor aan de hand van een paar vragen.

Could you introduce yourself?

My name is Luis, I’m from Italy and have done all my studies there. I also moved to Barcelona to study Computer Science and spent for 12 years working there. In my free time I like running/walking, fishing and drinking some beers.

How will people meet you at Weborama and how will you help customers?

I moved for this job to the Netherlands. At Weborama I will work as a software engineer, so in fact I am not in contact with customers. But that doesn’t matter, because the most important thing for me is that I am part of the team. In addition to my role, I am happy to help my colleagues with everything I can.

What did you notice so far at Weborama?

Really nice people work here. During this month I noticed the diversity of functions: a company where everybody is involved in a special task. I really have a good family feeling here, perhaps because people have been working here for so long. I like that and also the respect we have for each other. The energy you get from people is very important to me. From the start I immediately had a good feeling. It is cold here in the Netherlands, but I expected this!

What are your ambitions for the future?

Involved, participate and create. To be awarded for my job. To grow professionally and personally. Glad I can do what I enjoy doing.