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Let us introduce to you: Kyriakos Markakis

Posted on February 17, 2020

Ons Tech team heeft een nieuwe collega: Kyriakos. We stellen hem graag aan jullie voor aan de hand van een paar vragen.

Could you introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Kyriakos and I am from Chania, Greece. I moved to the Netherlands at the end of 2018 and joined Weborama early 2020. I like to work with the latest technologies, so I invest part of my time to study and attend conferences in order to keep my knowledge up to date. In my free time I like to play chess, read mystery & thriller books, go to the movies and travel.

How will customers meet you at Weborama?

My current position at Weborama is Full Stack Web Developer, so in fact customers won’t be in contact with me. I will help the team to improve and continue providing quality services to our customers.

What did you notice so far at Weborama?

The culture here at Weborama is great! There is a very good atmosphere and strong bonds between the colleagues; not only between people that have been working here for a long time, but also with newer colleagues. I also noticed that there is a lot of expertise in fields I didn’t have a chance to work in so far.

What are your ambitions for the future?

I want to learn more about web advertisement technologies and be familiar with our products. Through this process I will assist and offer guidance to my colleagues, grow professionally and contribute more to Weborama.